Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees and 9 year old boys!

Driving home from school last week.....

Tim: Mom, it's too bad that Dad's really not part of our family.

Me: What do you mean?

Tim: He doesn't have the same DNA as us. (This is Tim believing that since my birth he has been inside of me waiting for the "right" time to be born.)

Me: Well, you actually have half of Dad's DNA and half of my DNA.

Tim: What did they do, give me a shot of dad's DNA when I was born?

Me: No, every person is made up of the DNA from their mother's and fathers.

Tim: How did I get the DNA from Dad?

Me: (long pause trying to collect my thoughts and figure out how to have this discussion in the car)

Tim: I know...it's too gross and you don't want to tell me about it!

So began the first step in the birds and bees talk...well actually bees and chickens is where I went with it. There were no other questions beyond that.

Me: wiping the sweat from my forehead for now!!!

take care,

Friday, March 14, 2008

The grandkids

After being sick for a week, I finally felt well enough for a visit. Tim took the picture for me. This is me (horrible pic) and Mackenzie and Jack (in full cry!) I missed them. I hadn't seen Jack for half of his life! Mackenzie was happy for the visit. I think (know!) she was happiest to see Uncle Tim. Tomorrow night she will be coming over to spend the night. Jack will enjoy Mom and Dad to himself.
Here are some pictures of Mackenzie in the sweater I made for her.

I'm glad school is over for another week. So many children and teachers have been sick. We need to air out all of these sick germs! I got my report cards finished and sent home. That is always a relief. Next week we will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day and Easter. That's a bit too early for me!!
Speaking of Easter, Tim and I will be decorating tomorrow. It's hard to believe it is going to be here so soon. I much prefer Easter in April!
take care,

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ugh! I came home from school Thursday so sick! I ended up not going in on Friday. Yesterday I was better. Today is just about the same. Unfortunately, I can't go see Mackenzie or Jack. I was supposed to have Mackenzie for the day but I am still sick. I hope to get better soon. I miss them!

I am spending today trying to catch up on things I haven't been able to do this weekend. I've got a crock pot of Italian chicken cooking. I have spaghetti sauce in another crock pot to make lasagna today. The chicken is for Britt. I'm hoping to get two lasagne's out of my supplies so I can also give her one. I still have a cherry pie to make as well.

I took a picture of the hooded sweater I made Mackenzie. I made it off white so Jack could also wear it in a couple of years. I am making him a brown hooded sweater now. Britt asked me to put ears on the hood so it would look like a teddy bear.

Today I have to get some more work done on report cards. They go home on Friday. I wish I hadn't left everything in school!

take care,

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

This is a very excited household!!!

Today Timmy (he prefers me to call him Tim, but I can't bring myself to do it yet!) turns 9 1/2. Just a mere 6 months until the double digits. The anticipation is just about more than he can handle!!! All day long he said this was the best day ever!!!

After school we stopped at a store to pick out a half birthday gift. He got more Star Wars toys. The boy is addicted to Star Wars.

As is tradition, we took him out to dinner. This year he picked Kreme N Kone. I also picked up a take out order to bring to Britt and family. I am trying to make things easier for her by bringing her dinner. If you are ever on Cape Cod, this is a must for a burger or seafood.

Dinner was polished off with an ice cream cone!! Ah, to be 9 1/2 again!!!!

take care,

Monday, March 03, 2008

He's home!

Jack and Brittainy are home. Britt said she's not getting much sleep. Jack is a hungry boy!!!
I made this sweater and hat for him along with a matching blanket. I was so happy to get a picture of him in it already. I was worried because the sweater looked so small but as you can tell from the picture he's got room to grow.

I gave Mackenzie the octopus that I made her today. She loved it! This past Thursday and Friday she spent the night here. It was so nice having her but I certainly forgot how tiring a toddler can be! Good thing she loves her Uncle Tim so much. He was such a big help with her. They played, watched movies, had popcorn and stayed up too late. Isn't that what you are supposed to do at a sleepover anyway :)

I brought over the fixings for a chicken pie. Brittainy just needs to dump it all in the pie shell and bake it. I've got a few more meals waiting for her. I remember how nice it was not to have to worry about cooking when I came home with Tim.

I've had a four day weekend from school. I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, it's a big day for us. I'll tell you about it tomorrow :) :) :)

take care,