Thursday, March 29, 2007
Knitting with the girls

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Self Control

Monday, March 26, 2007
Monday Ramblings

Today I went to the dentist to get my 9th(??) crown. Next week I go to get another one started. I have yet another after that! I am going to have such an expensive mouth! I keep telling my dentist that I want a plaque on the chair with my name engraved in it.
Take care,
Saturday, March 24, 2007
My knitting spree
After making two pair of socks I decided I would venture into trying something more complicated. I bought a pattern for a lace sock. Here it is so far as well as a close up of the cuff. I am knitting them on size 0 needle. Talk about small!!!
I was hoping when I had jury duty this week I'd be able to bring so knitting with me so I started an easy simple sock so I wouldn't have to worry about trying to follow the pattern. Unfortunately I couldn't bring it in.
These are the projects that have been keeping me busy. :) Right now I am going to go knit some more :) :)
take care,
Oh boy, I have fallen behind again!
Let me see if I can do a quick recap for those that are interested in reading about my boring life LOL!
I spent a good part of one of the weeks working on report cards. They went home on the 16th. While "filling" in the marks isn't so hard, writing the comments takes a lot of time! I am the kind of person who does a "working" draft first and then transfers it all to the official report card.
On Monday I had jury duty! I am one of those people who does not like jury duty. If I were ever on trial I would want someone who was happy to be there to be on my jury, not someone like me. I ended up sitting in the jury room from 8 to 3:15 (with a lunch break of course). We never got called. It was truly one of the most boring days of my life!! Thank goodness they can't call me again for 3 years!
Tuesday morning Timmy woke up sick and ended up staying home from school all week. He's still not back to his old self yet. The fever is gone, but he has an awful cough and has not much of a voice! I stayed home from school with him on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I convinced my mother to change her plans so she could watch him on Friday. I figured I had to make an appearance at school :). The poor boy spent two days on the couch (not like him) resting. His teacher told me several children in his class had been out sick this week.
Today is my day to watch Mackenzie. She just gets cuter by the minute! While she's napping I thought I would try to catch up. Brittainy brought her over the other day to play outside and I snapped a few pictures of her. She is really growing up quickly.
take care,
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
This song gives me goosebumps!
take care,
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Eight and a half!

Another half year has reached us! Timmy turned 8 ½ today. We had our traditional celebration. We took Timmy out to eat at our favorite restaurant. It's a lovely place right on the river. I remember when Timmy was little he imagined there were sharks in the water LOL!
Of course Timmy had his favorite meal...burger and fries.

Rich and I each get him a little gift to celebrate the day. This year we each bought him a transformer. Why is it that boy's toys always have the oddest names. I can never pronounce the name of his toys. Timmy of course can rattle them off without even given it a second thought.

It's hard to believe he's halfway to nine. I miss my little baby!!
Speaking of hard to believe, in three and a half years I will also be the mother of a thirty year old! How did that happen, when I am still in my thirties myself LOL!
take care,
Saturday, March 03, 2007
What's on your list?
