Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday's Favorite Family Fotos...SNOW!

Deborah of Pictures Pots and Pens is hosting Friday's Favorite Family Fotos. Please stop by her blog to see who else is posting and be sure to visit them as well.

With all the snow we've been getting this year it reminded of a winter four years ago! Our winter this year has given us many snowy days, but nothing like we got from the storm we got back then.

These pictures were taken in 2005. We had a snow storm that dropped about 30 inches of snow. That's not typical of a Cape Cod winter. I remember school was closed for the week! They were afraid that cars and buses wouldn't see children standing at the bus stop with banks of snow so high! This is a picture of Tim standing in our driveway.

Rich worked on getting the snow blower working. He usually doesn't use it, but this was a TON of snow.
take care,


Lorrie said...

Oh my goodness Dawn! I haven't seen snow like that in years! I used to live in northern New York State,ouside of Albany,and we got some heavy snowfalls then. Beautiful to look at but no fun to shovel that's for sure!

Debi said...

We don't enormous dumpings like that too often either. Usually just 1-4" a day (from the lake), with a handful of 1-2 feet snows from storms. Love that picture of Tim! He looks so small standing there by all that snow, doesn't he?

April said...

I'm visiting from Deborah's blog. I have never in my entire life seen that much snow! My girls would have a ball! The most I've ever seen is around 5 or 6 inches...that is AMAZING!

Have a great Friday!

Judi said...

Good Morning Dawn..
I guess we're at work today..*lol*.. not as much as snow as in your pictures!!
Wow that is a lot of snow. Amazing having to shovel all of that. Yuck.
Well spring is in the air or at least in the calendar for next month so thats good.
I hope you've done well with your school work this week...have a good day.


Wow. That is some serious snowage!

Anonymous said...

Okie dokie, whoa doggies! I remember you telling me about that.

I don't mind at all seeing it from inside my house, but don't you be trying to make me go outside.

Unknown said...

I've not ever experienced anything like that! Even a little snow shuts everything down here down. I can't imagine one like that.

We did have 12 inches one time....1962 I think. I barely remember it. LOL


vintage girl at heart said...

You got your snow day(s) I see!! What fun!!!

SmilingSally said...

I guess then, that Global warming is true. lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn how do you all manuver in that?
I love your blog dress,it looks like snow to me...Ann

Darlene said...

WOWZA...that was a LOT of snow!! I have never been in that much snow....looks like fun to play in!

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

OH MY! You did have snow! could lose a child in that white stuff! It's really beautiful and looks like fun for awhile, but it's got to be trouble too!

Thanks for sharing your winter pictures, Dawn.


Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

That is INSANE!!!
I just can't fathom dealing with snow, let alone that much!
We're finally experiencing a bit of winter. We've had rain since last night and will get some more until Saturday. If you know anything about CA, you'll know we've been in drought for so long. We actually have to ration water or be fined. At least in my area. So thank you GOD for blessing us with water and I hope He decides to give you a bit of a break from the snow and give you a sunny day w/beautiful blue skies.
Enjoy your day!

Malisa said...

Oh, my gosh! Look at that snow! In Texas, if it snows a couple of inches, school gets cancelled!


Kim's Treasures said...

Wow! That was a lot of snow!

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet Dawn! Wow! Now that was some kind of snow! I can't imagine having that much!
Thank you for your sweetness. Yes, things are getting better. Praise God!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Dawn; Wow! that is a ton of snow, I can hardly believe that he could even get the snow blower out to even clean the area. We have had lots of snow before but nothing like that. Just think of the ones that only had a shovel. Love the one of Tim, how cute is he... Oh by the way my nephew is doing great, thank you so much for the sweet comment..
You are such a doll. :}


Neabear said...

Wow! That is a lot of snow. I can't even imagine what that is like. I have lived all my life in California.

Montee said...

That snow was beautiful but I bet it wasn't much fun getting it all cleared out.

Tracy said...

Those are great photos, Dawn! That's about how much snow we have right now...and it's snowing again today...*SIGH*...Trying to keep shoveled out, keep warm and keep going...LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Good morning Dawn, Yahoo! I am finally feeling some energy. I can actually type a sentence. This morning life is good.

I love your snow even though I know it is a pain. The MAN SONG is a hoot. I have heard it a few years ago. You have taken a 'big jump' to sign up for graduate courses. Good luck to you. Go slowly Dawn.

I have missed you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, I want some coffee now. I am the only one up this AM. I'm going to have to shake some blankets.

