Monday, September 22, 2008

Blue Monday ~ Dreams

Sally of Smiling Sally is hosting a Blue Monday event. She has invited anyone who would like to join in to do so! Go on over to her blog and see who is playing today!

I bought this jar several years ago at a discount store. This jar stays in my bedroom on my bookcase. I keep in it change that I take out of my pocket. Every now and then when I find a couple of loose one dollar bills I through them in there too! It's my "in a pinch" money. You know the kind of money when you need to send your child to school with field trip money and all you have are $20's in your wallet.

This jar reminds me of when my sisters and I were young. My sister Cindy made a clay container shaped like a die with the top open. My mother used to keep loose change in it for lunch money. We would just take what we needed. Remember when lunch only cost 25 cents in school?

Do you keep spare change in anything for "just in case"?

take care,


Anonymous said...

Good morning Dawn, yes I do keep jars of change in the house. I too used it for lunch money etc. Then I would also keep it for penny poker. My family are always playing cards of some kind. Now it's because I don't want loose change laying around. It is amazing how fast it builds up. I throw mine in mason jars. A mason jar, pint size, holds about thirty dollars worth of change.

Have a good school day.

Hugs, Jeanne

Darlene said...

Hi Dawn,

I too have a change seems like we CONSTANTLY need a dollar here or a dollar there...esp. with Lexi. Also, my purse starts to weigh a TON if I don't take my change out of it.

Oh, I used my market bag yesterday!!! LOVED it!

bj said...

I have always had Mad Money stuck back somewhere...change all goes into a plastic coffee can with a slot cut in the top. During the summer, grandkids and I take it to the bank, get big bills for it and go have fun! Last month, we took it, I was thrilled when we had like $65.00 in it...thrilled until a granddaughter said, "oh, that's a tank of gas !" boo hoo
Your container is so cute...I need to find something better than a coffee can to hold my change!!
love, bj

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn,
I don't keep change, but my husband does. Love you blue jar and the story.
Hope you have a wonderful day today this first day of fall!

Anonymous said...

All of our change goes right into a bank for our grandson. When we get enough coins rolled we deposit them into a bank account.

Maybe with the economy I should dig a hole in the back yard. ;-)

SmilingSally said...

Happy Blue Monday!

I love the idea of a change jar for Dreams to come true.

I remember when lunches were even less than that!

Unknown said...

I love the different blue hues in your jar!
I don't keep change around, but I'm not handing money out to kids all the time, either! I keep big bills hidden, "just in case"! I don't know what the case might be, but I feel better knowing there is cash in the house.

Grandma Faith said...

That's a pretty jar for your change. We have an urn for ours. Checked back and I must say that Indiana Jones cake was so cool. Sorry the ball rolled. Take care.

Susan Hickam said...

Nice story dawn- I do keep some change jars around-I just tend to raid them before I get much accumulated-I always need quarters for parking where I work. Happy Blue Monday. Be sure to stop by because I am having a fun givaway.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty, vivid blue!

I have a coin rack in my van that I just love -- I like to give exact change at drive-throughs when I can. We have a change-sorter in our bedroom for my husband's pocket change that we raid for lunch money and such sometimes.

Sweetie said...

I love your blue jar of dreams. I also took time to peruse your blog since this is my first visit. Your grandchildren are beautiful. Also - Cape Cod is my very favorite vacation spot.

Anonymous said...

Your "in a pinnch" jar is a great shade of blue.

Kathy b

Anonymous said...

I love spare change jars! How fun that your says Dreams... I have a cookie jar that lost its lid that I throw loose change in. It has a blue design on it too :0)

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Dawn, Cute jar! My "in a pinch change jar" isn't nearly as cute! :) It is used mostly to be our bi-weekly paper and for school!

Happy Belated Birthday to Tim! Looks like he had a wonderful party, and I am just loving his cake! :)

Happy 1st day of Fall! ~Rhonda :)

Anne Fannie said...

Hello Dawn, I just love your blue money jar! I love the deep color blue no wonder you bought it!
Just last week my husband and I rolled up our coins because it was getting to heavy, its amazing how much money you collect and don't realize it!
Love, Ann

Nola said...

We dump our change into a large #3 crock. If we need money, we dip into it, but we try to leave it all year long, and then take it and cash it in just before vacation, for a little extra "loot".

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
And that change really adds up! I love the way you keep it in your little blue jar. Very pretty! Happy Monday :>)

Molly said...

Hi Dawn--I love your jar. And I do remember when lunches were 25 cents! I have actually seen my son throw away a penny--the times they are a changin'! Happy Blue Monday.

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Hi Dawn....
I have been seeing your great works all over blog land and I love how you add the bottle of Dawn dish washing liquid in your packages...that is too funny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn
How do you do it? Dreams, birthday parties, your crafts, pumpkins and work?? WOW
Here in Canada we have Loonies and Toonies. The coins replaced the dollar and the two dollar bills. They are as big as a Silver dollar and very heavy to carry around in your wallet. My husband and I have a very big Corona plastic bank (cause it's the only BIG bank I could find). We actually save it all up for a whole year and go away for our Anniversary. We will be celebrating 20 yrs. in N.Y. city next month.
Have a good week and I hope your son is feeling better.

Kim's Treasures said...

I do have a can of change! We throw all our loose change in there and when things like fairs and vacations come around we raid the can. We had $20 of quarters this summer to take to the county fair. When the kids were small we used it for emergency milk or lunch money.

Hope your night is great!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

don't we all have the same.. change jar.. hehehehe I like yours too.. and we use the small change for bread or sweets for the kids..

Happy Blue Monday!..