In September 2004 he began kindergarten. This picture was his first self portrait. Notice the stunning blue eyes! They match his shirt! Isn't he cute???? I saved a big tote of his kindergarten projects. Through the years what I save has gotten fewer and fewer.
This picture was taken on Tim's first day of kindergarten. In just two days he'll be starting fourth grade. My oh my the times goes quickly. This is Tim and I in my classroom right before the start of the day. We both were wearing blue! Now, when he stands next to me he comes up to my nose!!! I don't have to kneel down next to him.
Remember each time you comment between now and Friday night you will get your name in a drawing to win a market bag. Nola asked about the pattern. It's a free download from Knit Picks and you can find it here. It's called Mary's Summer bag. The download link is near the bottom.
Take care,
Dawn, Tim's self portrait is so cute. His perspective on his blue eyes is awesome. I love the photo of you both.
Morning Dawn,
You need to come and put in your name and URL so that everyone involved will know and visit you for Blue Monday.
Great photo of you two! He is such a handsome guy! :) And his self-portrait with stunning blue eyes is just precious! ~Rhonda :)
That self portrait is just ADORABLE! OF COURSE you would save that treasure. Your photo of the two of you is really cute, too.
hugs, bj
Love these pics! And his own self-portrait is quite amazing for the little guy!
Thank you also for your lovely comment on my blog.
Thanks for checking out my sock monkeys. Your page is beautiful. Will look forward to reading all about you and your adventures in kindergarten.Have a GREAT day on Blue Monday.
Hey Dawn! Tim is so cute...and he is quite the artist. I love that cute artwork. Time does go by so fast...enjoy every minute. Hope you have a great week!
Hi Dawn! Love both the portraits! I think you have an artist in the family. Wishing you a wonder filled Blue Monday!
Hi Dawn,
That self portrain is adorable!
It is frame worthy!
I'm thinking of doing something with a few works of my kids art...maybe enlarging them at Walgreens and shopping for thrift shop frames to paint.
We have a space in our bonus room, and your picture motivates me!
Have a great one!
You had quite an artistic son at that age! He is a doll. Happy 300th post!
You and Timmy are too cute. You'll never be able to deny he is yours - you look so much alike.
Happy Blue Monday. When do you go back to school?
I can't believe he's going into the 4th grade already! I'm getting so old!
Doesn't time fly!!! I always love his artwork and my what stunning blue eyes he has!!! Great picture of you two.
Love it! What a great idea for Blue Monday. He really is a cutey!
Hi, Dawn! Oh, but your Tim is a cutie...Such a sweet kindergarden portrait...and so is hiw own self-portait!You two do look alike! ;o) 4th grade already...I could just cry...Wouldn't it be nice to have time stop for just a little?...Or maybe not--LOL! Hope all goes well for you both as the new school year starts this week! So very happy you stopped by to see me before we leave for our trip ((BIG HUGS))
Awwww, sweet picture your boy drew. I find the first week of school kinda blue... I'm good to go this week though.
Your little boy blue was too ccute on his first day of school. Time passes so fast, enjoy every minute. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Happy Labor Day! Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement!
kari & kijsa
Dawn , that little picture is so cute !
Hi Dawn,
I just love your blue monday post.
That picture is so sweet. Don't they grow up fast! It seems like just yesterday my three sons were little boys and now they are grown men.
I'm just "meeting" you through Blue Mondays. I live in MA, too!
A good way to preserve your child's art is to take pictures of it before you toss it. I wish my mom had done that, all of my paper things have fallen apart.
See you next week!
Oh my, Dawn, he really has grown!
His self-portrait is darling! Wonder how he would draw himself now...much taller for one thing, huh? :)
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