Bones is an American drama television series that premiered on the Fox Network on September 13, 2005. The show is a forensics and police procedural in which each episode focuses on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth to the forensic anthropology team of Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan. from
Then just this past week a new show began, also on FOX called Fringe. I watched the first episode last weekend and was hooked right away. I don't like science fiction shows that are overly political but this one is easy enough for me to follow far. I hope this is one show I won't be behind the times with.
The plot deals with a research scientist named Walter Bishop (who Orci describes as "Frankenstein mixed with Albert Einstein"), his son, and a female FBI agent who brings them back together. The show is described as a cross between The X-Files, Altered States, and The Twilight Zone.
Last year I discovered the joys of LOST and watched all three previous seasons on line before the new season (as short lived as it was) began.
I'm also a big fan of CSI (Las Vegas), NCIS, and Criminal Minds.
What shows have you hooked?
take care,
Oooh, Fringe does sound good! I wish I had more time for TV sometimes. But as it is, I have a hard time keeping up with the few I do watch...Criminal Minds, House, and Project Runway. I'm still in mourning over the cancellation of Jericho. ;(
I'll have to check out the shows you recommend.
I don't watch much of anything!
A group of my friends are hooked on Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. They are having a get together next week for the first show and invited me. Maybe I'll get hooked on one of those!
Dawn, My daughter and her husband are hooked on Lost. I have watched a few episodes, but it was so involved I never got hooked. I am not much on TV but I am hooked on Idol and Dancing with the Stars. I did like Survivor, but didn't watch the last season at all. One of my favorite channels is HGTV. I watch it the most. I love decorating and design shows, as well as the landscaping shows.
Hugs, Jeanne
Dancing with the Stars
Pushing Daisies
Amazing Race
Gray's Antamony
I've watched snatches of Lost, but it didn't interest me. I'm an oddball.
Hi, Dawn! I'm always out of the loop with TV...probably because I hardly watch TV at all! I've never been a bg TV-viewer. Loved your portrait of Tim on your post of yesterday...what an amazing story, and what an amazing little boy you have! We're just back from vacation...and getting over jet lag big time--LOL! See you soon ((HUGS))
I love Dancing With the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, 24, Lost, Pushing Daisies----the list goes on and on. Usually I have to head to the familyroom in the basement to watch my favs, as my husband is hogging the TV with his favorites: any sports, hunting, animal, science or news show! I like to be informed, but I also like to be entertained.
I loved the post you did about your son yesterday! What a challenging time that must've been, but he did end up with some sweet and perfect tootsies!
I posted about your prize today! Check it out when you have a chance! Dana
How odd, I just started with "Bones" this summer, too. Seems I'm always a couple of seasons late, too. The only great show I got in on from the start was "The Closer", with Kyra Sedgewick. Seasons 1 -3 are out on video now ("thank you soooo much!" That's her favorite line)
I like all the CSI's and all the Law and Orders, too.
In the past few years, I have switched from HGTV and the Food Network, which is where I used to spend all my time. When they changed their line ups, they lost me.
Other than that, I watch all the baseball I can during the summer, and I love Mike & Mike on ESPN in the morning. Odd for a woman, but my husband got me hooked, and they are like the odd couple, and sooo funny.
I have watched Bones several times but I am hooked on:
American Idol
Hell's Kitchen
Desperate Housewives
Gray's Anatomy
Is that enough?? I also seem to stay a lot on Tru TV which used to be Court TV. I like most of the "stuff" on there.
Hi Dawn
Those shows sound very interesting. I've never watched Bones but have watched Lost.
I don't watch much TV actually but I do get addicted to "American Idol" and "So you think you can dance" and once I start with those I don't have much time for anything else. They become like part of your family....I hate when they are over and I don't see them again. Oh my!
Have a great one
I'm finally making it around to your blog. It has been a long day. I know it has for you, too. I hope you are feeling more rested.
You know I am not a big television watcher, but I do like Army Wives.
Hey Dawn; First of all I want to give you a huge thank you for my pretty dish cloth and Dawn soap.. You are too funny... It is really to nice to use but I will. My you are good with knitting. I just love it. I did not get a photo of it my batteries were dead in my camera, so tomorrow when I get new ones I will post the photo, I want to show it off.
he he As for the shows I really don't like all the dr. stuff and bodies, ewww not for me.. Hubby and I are Discovery Channel an History Channel. My favorite is H G T V.. I could watch that 24-7 if hubby would let me....
Have a great week.
Rats, I forgot about Fringe. I'll have to watch next week. I love Dancing With The Stars and am totally hooked on "Big Love"! Lost - love it.
Your grandbaby is so beautiful - she's growing up so fast! Hugs, Nancy
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