Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy Birthday to the first love of my life :)
Ever since I was 12 years old (1973!)I have LOVED John Denver. In honor of his 64th birthday here's a little something I want to share!
take care,
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Fa la la la la

Monday, December 17, 2007
How I've spent my December
I'm getting ready to print out the pattern for the next item I am hoping to Thursday! Wish my luck.
take care,
Sunday, December 16, 2007
It's now December and I still haven't blogged.
So...I'll begin with this week!
What a stormy few days we have had. The weather was so bad on Thursday that school was closed 45 mins early to get the kids home quicker. Sadly, it took 35 mins to dismiss the kids 45 mins early! Go figure. By the time the high school and middle school kids were home the buses came back for the elementary kids. You'd think they would take the little guys home first. Today we woke up to snow but by late morning it was all rain! It has been raining all day. I hear it will freeze up tonight!
I am thrilled that there are only 5 days left of school before our Christmas vacation. I am looking forward to the time off!
Britt got pictures back of Mackenzie last week. Oh she is so adorable...(that's the grandma in me speaking!) Here, take a look for yourself.
take care,
Friday, November 09, 2007
It seems like I am just a monthly blogger!
Last weekend we had one doosey of a storm. We lost power at 4:00 last Saturday afternoon and didn't get it back for 11 hours. There were many people here on the Cape that were without power for days! We settled into the dark evening with a game of Trouble and then a card game (Addition War!) After a while Tim and I decided to put on some Christmas carols and he and I had a sing along. Rich wasn't joining us LOL! When I got up Sunday morning I noticed that a tree was down in the back yard. It was sad! Rich was outside right after breakfast cutting it down, chopping it up and cleaning up the mess. Next year we'll be able to use it in the fireplace. It will be sad come next summer to see the shade that tree gave us gone.

I have been busy knitting and knitting and knitting! Right now I am making a blanket for my new grandson to be and a pair of fleece lined mittens. I want warm hands this winter while I am doing my recess duty!
That's my update for now.
Take care,
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Pumpkin Patch

I picked up some cornstalks, bales of hay and some mums! The cornstalks and hay wouldn't fit in my car so I came home and had Rich (and his truck) come back with us. Fortunately the farm is very close to our house. It was so pretty there with all of their mums on display. I love how pretty fall mums are. We got our "goodies" home and I put them around the yard. I think I still need to head out and buy a couple more pumpkins. I also have to take a trip to the attic to find the scarecrow.
While I was in the store paying for the things we bought I left Timmy and my camera outside. He decided to take a few pictures. I thought they came out pretty well!!

take care,
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A tragic loss

This past Sunday I learned that the daughter of my cousin lost her life in a car accident. She was 28 years old, a wife and mother of an 11 month old little girl. I hadn't seen her in years but the tragedy of her death is still heartbreaking. I think of my own 27 year old daughter and don't know how I would be able to cope with such a sudden and tragic loss.
Today was the wake and there were hundreds of people there to honor her memory and support her friends and family. The obituary in the paper was one of the most tender, loving obituaries I have ever read.
My heart is so heavy for her family right now. I just feel so sad!
take care,
Monday, October 08, 2007
It's been a month!

I have really enjoyed this long weekend. I actually had a two day weekend. I liked it so much in fact, that I am looking forward to Veteran's Day next month LOL!
Well, there's my brief, and boring update.
take care,
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What a whirlwind week!

Even this weekend was busy. After school Friday I went to Britt's to watch Mackenzie while she worked. I also had Mackenzie on Saturday. I love how independent she is and I can understand most everything she is trying to tell me.
Yesterday was the first day of kindergarten. I came home from school so TIRED I couldn't even move! Bedtime was such a joy! Today was easier. It is so hard trying to help the children just learn school rules. They need to be taught how to walk in the hall, how to use the cafeteria, playground rules, classroom rules, listening and even how to sit in a group. It is not only mentally exhausting, but it's also physically exhausting.
Brittainy was such a good daughter yesterday. She came to my house while I was at school and did my ironing for me! I so appreciate her doing that. I wonder if I can make this a habit? Britt if you are reading this consider it a subtle hint LOL!
This weekend (Saturday) Timmy is having his birthday party. I still haven't really planned what I'll be doing with him. He wants a Star Wars birthday party. I read somewhere online about using pool noodles cut in half as light sabers and trying to keep balloons in the air. I have the supplies for that. I just need to come up with another idea or two. Sunday Jay and Mackenzie are having a combined birthday party so we will be attending that get together.
I think I'll have a day off on the 23rd this month LOL!
take care,
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Turn around and you're nine!

Where are you going my little one, little one. Where are you going my baby my own. Turn around and you're two. Turn around and you're four. Turn around and you're a young man walking out of the door!
This song always makes me weepy! I can't get over the fact that my baby is 9!!!!! I looked backed on some older pictures the other day and it made me miss that little baby boy he used to be.
Timmy got some Star Wars Legos (we had to remortgage the house LOL!) and he is in heaven right now. In a little bit we are headed out to Outback Steak House to have dinner.
Only 366 days (leap year and all!) until the double digits!
take care,
Monday, September 03, 2007
It wasn't meant to be

Sunday, September 02, 2007
Time is drawing near

I had the twins that were in my class last year for a couple of days when their mom was working. Oh, they just make me smile :)
I have been asking Rich for about 2 years to fix some shelves that were slanted. Finally with the promise of making him an orange cake for his birthday it was finished!!!
I used my newly cleaned scrap area to work on a circle journal I'm doing with some friends from the OT board at 2P's. This is our second round. My theme this time around is Attic Treasures. I finished it just under the wire!
I also have been working on some knitting projects. I still have two unfinished projects to finish. I have half a sock to knit and a handle for a basket for my friend Beverly.
Brittainy and Mackenzie have been spending most every day with me. It's been nice. I'll miss our time together when I go back to school. Maybe that will prompt Mackenzie to actually say my name!!!
Timmy is beside himself with excitement. His birthday is Tuesday and he just wants to wake up and have the day here! Oh, to be young again.
Well, that's my last few weeks in a nutshell.
take care,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Brittainy!!!!

Brittainy was the first grandchild in my family. For eight years she was the only grandchild. For 18 years she was my only child!
I just wanted to say a great big happy birthday! I love you!
take care,
Friday, August 10, 2007
What's wrong with this picture?

I don't know what is up with Timmy! On Monday he asked/begged to sleep on the couch. It's summer. There was no school the next day so I let him. On Tuesday he asked to sleep on the sofa bed here in my computer room. I let him! On Wednesday he wanted to sleep with us. He's just getting too big and the three of us in the same bed all night is very uncomfortable so the answer was no! Then he asked if he could sleep on the floor. Again, no. But...I remembered this little foam chair that opens up to a bed. He slept on that right next to my side of the bed on Wednesday night. Thursday night the same. It just reminded me of when his bassinet used to be there!! I think I was feeling a bit nostalgic! Maybe it's because in less than a month he'll be 9 and the time is just going too fast. I don't think he'll want to be sleeping in our room with us much longer, though he assures me that even when he's in high school he will! Maybe I should save this post to remind him of that in 6 years LOL! Tonight, it's back to his own room and his own bed!!
take care,Dawn
Thursday, August 09, 2007
My morning surprise!

On the last day of school two of my students (they are twins) each gave me a hibiscus plant. I put them in the little garden bed off the deck. This morning when I woke up I went out to water the back yard and noticed two HUGE flowers. One of the plants has bloomed. It still has quite a few buds on it and the other one is about a week or two behind. I'm expecting that to bloom next week sometime.
Thank you Mackenzie and Rachel for such a pretty plant with beautiful flowers!!!
take care,
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Still shopping!

I picked Brittainy and Mackenzie up today and headed out to Staples to hit more of their school supplies sales. I bought some crayons, notebooks, and markers. Then we headed to Toys R Us to buy some watercolor paints. While we were at Toys R Us Mackenzie got a My Little Pony. Timmy used some money he had to buy some Star Wars toys. He has been forbidden to buy anymore toys until after his birthday next month! I took everyone to lunch at The Old Country Buffet. Timmy didn't like anything. Mackenzie liked it all LOL!
I stooped at another local store and picked up a few more things and then brought them right to school so I wouldn't have to store it at home for the next couple of weeks.
I think I need to add school supplies to the list of things that I hoard!!!
take care,
Monday, August 06, 2007
No Excuses I know.....
I thought my sciatica was under control and then a couple of weeks ago it came back full force! As I type this I am sitting on an ice pack on a cushion on my chair. It's been hard to sit for an extended period of time.
I've been reading a lot of Jodi Picoult books this summer. I'm on my sixth on (Keeping Faith). I have really been enjoying them all.
I have also been working of school plans. Those that know me (especially my school friends) know that I have OCD LOL! I typed up my plan book for the entire school year. It includes the books that three groups a day will be reading. I am so excited about this because all I have to do each year is print a new copy. Our reading program is divided into 6 units and there are six weeks in each unit. Oh, the things that make me happy.
I've also been meeting with my knitting group every week. We have all become good friends. I love our weekly get togethers.
I also like that I have been able to spend lots of time with Mackenzie this summer. She finally has said "grandma". I had to trick her into doing it though LOL!
Timmy has decided he is now a Star Wars fan. That is ALL he talks about. Hmmmm....other OCD'er in the family LOL!
That's my update. See you haven't missed much!
take care,
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

For school supply shopping that is! I went to Staples and bought my teacher allotment just can't believe all the money I saved. I guess saved isn't' the best word because I wouldn't have bought this much to begin with. I should say, I can't believe how little money this cost me. I even went back to another store yesterday and bought more.
It saddens me to see how the schools are forced to cut so much each and every year. When I can find deals like this for my classroom I am thrilled. I remember two years ago there were no pencils left to be found. Glue sticks are like gold! I ask each child to bring almost nothing! During the course of the year I might ask for tissue, paper towels etc., but no child has to send in supplies.
Take care,Dawn
Monday, July 09, 2007
Driveway Rage!

Now comes the bad mommy part of the story. I heard the door open and deathly wailing! My first reaction is to say, "Timmy, calm down!" He is, shall we say, very dramatic when he is hurt. Unbeknownst to me he was accompanied into the house (I was in another room) by the neighbor who must think I'm just the worst mother, reprimanding my son for crying, when he was obviously in pain!
When I finally calmed him down enough to listen I had to convince him to hop in the bathtub. The scrape was just too BIG to wash down. Oh, they must have heard the crying miles away. It was quite the show! I know it had to hurt him and in real life his leg looks awful!! (worse than the picture) His knee was just recovering for a fall on the patio the week before.
Rich had just come home from camping and miraculously enough Timmy's wound earned him a trip to Toys R Us with dad.
I feel badly for the poor boy. I know how much his leg must have stung. Twenty four hours later and he is on the mend.
take care,
What color are you?
You Are A Gold Girl |
You're dependable and hard working. You never miss a deadline - and you're never late. You have a clear sense of right and wrong. You're very detail oriented. You get frustrated when your friends are sloppy - or when they don't follow through. You're on top of things, and you wish that everyone else was! |
I found this on Debi's blog.
So....what color are you?
take care,
Saturday, July 07, 2007
The first picture I took is of my car. I have made 7 car payments on it so far. :)
I bought some wooden plant barrels and thought I would get some flowers for them and I ended up spending $70 at the grocery store for these flowers.
This is my house. If you count the two bathrooms, it has seven rooms.
This is Timmy. He is the 7th (and last) grandchild of my mother's.
Mackenzie and her Uncle Tim are 7 years apart in age.
I just knit this purse this weekend and it is 7" long.
And....last but not least. This is Brittainy just about 7 weeks pregnant, due in just over 7 months.
take care,
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday Madness
1. Do you do your own laundry or do you send it out? Ha! I always do it myself!
2. Do you laundry at your home or a laundromat? At home. When I was a younger we always went to a laundromat. I'm so glad those days are over!
3. Are there certain articles of clothing that you need to have dry-cleaned on a regular basis? Not on a regular basis. I do have some dry clean only clothes sitting in the trunk of my car that I need to drop off.
4. How often do you do laundry? Is there a certain day of the week that you consider "laundry day?" I usually do it on the weekend. I like to start the school week with my clothes all cleaned. Sometimes I do it when the urge strikes.
5. Do you iron your clothes as you pull them out of the dryer or do you wait until just before you wear the clothing to iron? I try to pull them out to avoid ironing. I do like my clothes without wrinkles!
6. Do you hang your clothes outside to dry or do you dry them in a dryer? I use the dryer. We took the clothesline down a few years ago when we did some work in the yard and it never went back up.
7. Do you own things that need to be hand-washed or do you try to avoid buying things that you can't wash in the washing machine? I have some socks that I knitted that need to be hand washed. That's about it.
take care,
Monday, July 02, 2007
What a great boook!

My OT message board on 2Peas has started a book club. This was our book for July. I started it a few days ago and really liked it! On Saturday Timmy went to Britt's and Rich went camping. I was thrilled to have the day to myself! I spent the whole day reading this book. I couldn't put it down! My friend Beverly was reading it at the same time. Several times during the day she would call me to see what page and I was on and we had many "OMG" conversations about what we had read. I was going to put the book down and do something "more constructive" with my time but I couldn't! I ended up finishing the book that night! I have never read a Jodi Picoult book before. Last night I ended up ordering three more books. I can't wait to read them!
take care,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Do you have a famous double?
Brittainy came over my house one day a couple of months ago and asked me if I'd seen this commercial. Well, yes, it was on EVERY DAY! She asked me if I noticed that girl that breaks her heel looks like my niece Stephanie. At first I thought she was crazy. As soon as that girl walks through the door she is the spitting image of Stephie. How could I have seen this commercial all these times and noticed that.
take care,
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Out of the mouths of babes :)

take care,
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
119 years ago
When I was a child my sister and I would spend weekends with my great grandmother. I called her Nana, people in the neighborhood called her Miss Lizzie, but she was Lizzie to her friends. There are lots of things I remember about her.
We would walk down the street every Sunday morning to church and come home to a big Sunday dinner.
On Saturday she would do her baking. She'd make fresh apple pie almost all the time. I remember her getting out the paring knife and peeling the skin off the apple. I used to get to eat the apple peel. When it was cold out she would take the pie out of the pantry and put it on top of the kerosene stove that was in the living room to heat up. The whole house smelled wonderful. She was a wonderful cook. I still have some of her cookware and recipes that I use. She had a great recipe for orange cake. It had a marmalade like filling and an orange glaze frosting. It was so good, but I never got the recipe for that.
My Nana taught my sister and I how to play croquet in the backyard. She also taught us how to play Parcheesi and Checkers.
I remember the big old tin of buttons she had in the spare bedroom. We would open that tin and play with those buttons for the longest time.
I also remember on Sunday afternoons watching a Shirley Temple movie with her. I still love Shirley Temple movies.
My great grandmother died when I was 16 years old. I still think about her all the time.
Happy Birthday Nana.
take care,
Sunday, June 24, 2007
My creating update

I think there is a bit of a pink theme going on here LOL! Now I am working on the mates to two different socks that I made.
Friday, June 22, 2007
There's GOLD in them thar washing machine
When I took the jeans (etc.) out of the wash, there in the bottom I spotted GOLD!
I told Rich when he stopped home how very fortunate we were to get a washer that spun dirty clothes into gold! He looked a little surprised and asked what kind of I showed him the gold band that I found in the washer.
The funny part was he said it was his wedding ring he lost yesterday. Imagine loosing your wedding ring and not telling your wife!
Rich has this thing about wearing his ring when he works (construction). He said he once heard that a guy lost a finger. I told him I've heard of THOUSANDS who haven't. He still won't wear his ring to work, or to wash dishes, or mow the lawn...well, you get the picture!
take care,

Thursday, June 21, 2007
My expected delivery

Brittainy and Jay just moved from their apartment to a house this month. They have no washer or dryer so....I gave them my old one and bought this new one. Did you think I was going to say I bought this new one for them? :)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
How "Tweet"

take care,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
School's out for Summer!!!

I don't know who gets more excited, the children or the teachers!!! I am thrilled to have summer vacation. The hardest part is saying goodbye to the children. I had a WONDERFUL class this year and enjoyed every child in my room. Some years are more of a challenge than others but this year was just the best group of kids. I will miss them! Yesterday before the end of school I read Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten and got all choked up reading the story. We ended our year together with root beer floats and a few rounds of the Limbo dance. The principal came in and joined us for a few minutes!
I have started my vacation by scheduling too many things today. I went for a mammogram this morning, followed by grocery shopping (I still have to put much of it away) and later this afternoon I have to take my mother for a hair cut bring her home and go back to get mine colored! Tonight Rich and Jay are taking our washer and dryer out and bringing it to Jay's. I gave my old ones to Britt and Jay and bought a new pair for myself.
My house is a COMPLETE DIASTER so I am going to try to accomplish something. I hope to be around much this summer so if you have missed me (and I hope someone has!) I'll see you around.
take care,
Monday, May 14, 2007
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher

Last week I was out of school on Tuesday and when I returned on Wednesday I found this book on my desk with a note that said this same boy had returned it and really liked it. Well, a few days later I saw him in the hallway and let him know that he returned the book to the wrong person. He said that he knew that. He had read the book, really liked it and thought I might want to read it! How could I say no, that I am too busy.
I started the book last night and am looking forward to returning it and having a discussion about Jeremy Thatcher with this little boy!
take care,
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I've been tagged!
1. I am such a picky eater that I don't like my foods to touch!
2. When I get really angry about something I cry.
3. Rich and I joke that "our song" is the Chicken Dance LOL!
4. I learned to play the guitar when I was 12 years old. I sat on my great grandmother's front porch for weeks and weeks learning to play Take Me Home Country Roads.
5. I can't swim (even though I live on Cape Cod) and I am very scared to be over my head in the water.
6. I don't like driving fast and I am afraid to drive in the city
7. I have had a glass eye since I was 22 months old.
I am tagging Beverly and Nancy and Mackenzie (via her mother :) )
take care,
I am taking too long between posts!
I've also been going to physical therapy (where I need to be in an hour and a half!) for my sciatica. I only have 5 more appointments left before my insurance runs out! Today I went to the doctor for my 6 month blood pressure, cholesterol check up and things are going well on that part. I do need to loose weight. (There's a surprise LOL!!!)
I have a big project I PROMISED I'd do for a fellow teacher that I need to get done ASAP! I also have a couple of stamping and scrapbooking club projects to do.
Rich and Timmy went camping last weekend and I had a day to myself. I caught up on my sleep (oh, how I love my sleep!) and worked on some knitting projects.
My friend's daughter is having a baby next month and I am trying to finish up a blanket for her. I went to a yarn store and saw a blanket that I liked but they would only give me the pattern if I bought the yarn. I already had the yarn that I wanted. I came home and tried to recreate the pattern. I think I figured it out. (It was pretty simple). I am almost 1/4 done! I also started a sweater for Mackenzie that I want to give her for her birthday. I think I have enough time for that :)
I have also been spending way too much time with my dentist!! I have an appointment tomorrow to start my 12th! (Yes, 12th!) crown.
Hopefully when school is over and I'm done with all of these appointments I have, I'll have time to spend here.
take care,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
My Creating Update
I joined the stamping club at my LSS and this month we needed to make sympathy cards. The scan is a little wonky but here is what I made (x6)

We also had a challenge to make a monochromatic card. This is what I ended up with.

The second layout is My Family. I used a picture from Brittainy's wedding day.

On the knitting front I made a Nantasket Basket that I felted. Here are the before and after felting pictures. (That's a five pound coffee can inside!)

The last project are a pair of clogs I made for myself about 2 weeks ago. They are so WARM to wear. I've worn them several times already.

Take care,