I meet with a group of friends once a week to knit. We usually get together at one of our houses. We have been doing this for just over a year. Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate our "anniversary" . It was just what I needed to wind down from my stressful few days. I laughed so hard and it felt great!
We did an exchange where we all knitted the same bag for each other. It was a surprise for each of us since we didn't know who had who...or is it whom! With a little detective work I think we all figured out who we each had. When it came time for the exchange I got the most gorgeous shade of dark red for my bag and I just LOVE it. It's almost too nice to use :)
Tonight is another party. I almost think I can get used to this :)
take care,
My whining has paid off! I stopped at Britt's to bring her some things that I had and she gave me some lilacs to bring home. Oh, do they smell lovely. I'm almost thinking that I should just go to a nursery and buy a lilac bush to plant somewhere else in my yard. I suppose I should think about moving the ones that I have already since they do not seem to be productive where they are.
Speaking of productive, I feel like I should have gotten so much more done today than I did. I headed out this morning and bought a new router so I can use my laptop and had a devil of a time (my grandmother used to say that all the time!) getting it hooked up. I have NO idea how I did it, or what I even did, but it seems to be working. Keep your fingers crossed.
I overbought in the summer clothes department for Tim today. He's going to end up with more clothes that he will wear. I don't know why I do this all the time. It's got to be a personality disorder of some sort.
take care,
I get together once a week and knit with a group of friends. We always have the best time laughing, knitting and eating! One week a few weeks back, it was suggested that we have a swap and we decided to knit these summer grocery bags. This purple one is the one I made for my mother for Mother's Day. I filled it with a lobster (bagged and wrapped so it wouldn't leak on this) and the ingredients she needed to cook her meal.
I also made this white one for my friend in the swap. We haven't given them out yet so I can't say who it is for!
This is the first bag I made. It was for my friend Cathy for her
I was without my car for 9 days while it was being repaired. Rich had to bring me to school every day. I'm lucky to have good friends who were willing to bring me home from school. It's good to have my car back. The repair shop did an excellent job on it.
We are down to 23 days left of school. This is really a busy time of year for me. Not only is there the regular day to day "teaching" but there's class lists to make for the outgoing and the incoming kids. I'm "learning" how to write our kindergarten grant and have an accreditation yearly update report that I am working on with one of my friends (who happens to teach with me).
Mother's day was lovely. Tim made me a lovely tissue paper flower and card. He and Rich got a candle holder that is very pretty and a g/c to A.C. Moore. Mackenzie made me a peanut butter, pine cone bird feeder that is hanging outside.
I knit a grocery bag for my mother and bought her a lobster for mother's day. I'm not a fan of seafood but I thought she would like it...and she did.
take care,