We have worked together for the last 15 years and have become very close. She means the world to me and I would do anything for her. She is a true example of the kind of person who
If I don't get to your blog I promise to catch up soon. Last night was Open House and I didn't get home until late. I was so stuffed up I couldn't breathe and the NyQuil just knocked me out.
take care,
This jar reminds me of when my sisters and I were young. My sister Cindy made a clay container shaped like a die with the top open. My mother used to keep loose change in it for lunch money. We would just take what we needed. Remember when lunch only cost 25 cents in school?
Do you keep spare change in anything for "just in case"?
take care,
1. A good night's sleep.
2. The fact that my daughter just moved into her own house.
3. A clean house (I'm only half happy tonight!)
4. Music!
5. Children
6. Friends
Beverly at How Sweet the Sound passed these two onto me.
And I have been TRIPLY blessed to receive this award from one of my oldest blogging friends Debi of Nothing of Importance (not that Debi is old, she's just been a visitor to my blog since the beginning!) Angel of Keeping Up with John and Angel and Judi of Cranberry Blossom all have shared this award with me.
Angie of Madam Zelda's Present, Past and Future shared the You are my Sunshine Award with me. Thank you Angie.
I've said this before. I can't pick just a few. It's like picking a favorite child. I just can't do it. (although Britt if you are reading this you are my favorite daughter !....and Tim if you are reading this you are my favorite son!)
I happily invite and encourage all of my friends to accept each of these awards.
take care,
I took this picture of her one day in January of '07 when I was watching her. I loved the little headband bandanna she was wearing!
This one was one spring playing in my yard. What smile she has...and she has the most beautiful eyes!
Britt sent me this picture about two weeks ago. Look how grown up she is!!!
Happy Birthday to my dear sweet Mackenzie!! Grandma loves you!!
take care,
I did manage to pick up a couple of things that I liked this past weekend. A.C. Moore was having a nice sale. This scarecrow (which will eventually find a home outside) was on sale for $3.39 (regularly priced $7.99)
This scarecrow was $5.99 (regularly $12.99)
I haven't really gotten too many fall decorations out yet. This is it so far. I'll probably start pulling things down from the attic in October.
take care,
Then just this past week a new show began, also on FOX called Fringe. I watched the first episode last weekend and was hooked right away. I don't like science fiction shows that are overly political but this one is easy enough for me to follow ....so far. I hope this is one show I won't be behind the times with.
The plot deals with a research scientist named Walter Bishop (who Orci describes as "Frankenstein mixed with Albert Einstein"), his son, and a female FBI agent who brings them back together. The show is described as a cross between The X-Files, Altered States, and The Twilight Zone. wikipedia.org
Last year I discovered the joys of LOST and watched all three previous seasons on line before the new season (as short lived as it was) began.
I'm also a big fan of CSI (Las Vegas), NCIS, and Criminal Minds.
What shows have you hooked?
take care,
Watching Tim grow up (I'm not supposed to call him Timmy any more according to him!) I can honestly say it has not made a difference in anything he wants to do. I am very proud of the boy he has become.
take care,
My great great grandparents were the first in our family (that I know of) that lived here. The part of the house on the right was shipped from Nantucket over to this part of the Cape and it served as a store. The part of the house that is on the left was moved from a couple of streets away to the spot that I always knew it to be. The back of the house had a barn that my great great grandfather used for his cooper business. I remember being told that he would roll the barrels he made down the street to the ocean for the boats that needed them. (The house was walking distance to the ocean).
My great grandmother and her sister were raised here. My grandmother was raised here. My mother and uncle were raised here. I spent most of my childhood/teenage years here. My daughter also lived here for a while.
I learned to play the guitar when I was twelve years old sitting on the porch. I would strum away for hours. Thirty five years later I still have the same guitar!
When I look at this picture I can remember the smells of my great grandmother's cooking. I can remember the feel of the doors opening. I remember sharing a room with my sister and then finally being allowed to move to the upstairs. My great grandmother wasn't too sure of the safety of the upstairs so I was only allowed to have a cot up there to sleep on. I didn't care, it was my own room!! I remember one winter it was so cold and windy that when the wind blew the window it left enough room for the snow to creep in!
I remember when we lost that big tree in the front yard during a hurricane I cried! I remember playing under that tree and the ones in the back yard thinking how wonderful it was that my great grandfather had planted them.
I remember sitting in the front room on Sunday's after church watching Shirley Temple movies while my great grandmother prepared the big Sunday meal. I remember the pies she made would sit on top of the kerosene stove in the front room. By the time our meal was over it would be nice and warm. I still like to make a big Sunday dinner to this day. I think it is a feeling of comfort I get remembering how special I thought they were as a child.
Oh, I have so many memories I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you all.
This house feels like a part of the family to me and I still can't drive by it knowing it's not ours anymore. I dream about this house ALL THE TIME. I dream that there are secret rooms with treasures I never knew about. I guess all the treasures are my memories.
take care,
It comes with six containers inside of it. I would love to go back and buy about 100 more of these!!! I love them!!! Seriously, I love these containers!!!
One of the things that really makes this a sickness is with the hundreds of storage containers that I have, whenever I find something new that I like I want to replace all of my old containers so they match!!!!
This morning at 3:30 my hubby woke me up tugging on the covers. At 4:45 when I was still awake I decided to just get up. I walked on my treadmill for 30 minutes this morning already. I know by the end of the day I will be too tired to try to make up the 10,000 steps. Yesterday I got in over 11,000! I've decided to keep track on the side of my blog. I hope to get 10,000 in four days a week. Any thing beyond that will be a bonus!!!
take care,
I'm looking for some cheerleaders to keep me motivated. What do you say? Are you ready to help me out? I would really like to get 10,000 steps in a day between school and my treadmill. I will be wearing my pedometer to school and trying to make up the difference when I get home.
I had 10,979 on Monday and 10, 190 on Tuesday.
take care,
I first met my hubby about 28 years ago. A couple of years later we ran into each other again and he had just broken his leg. He fell 25 feet off staging while he was repairing a chimney. It was a pretty bad break and he was laid up for a while. I remember that his mother called me to see if I would invite him over. I cooked him a turkey dinner with all the fixing's. While he was unable to do much he started taking up model building. Most of his models are old cars and trucks. I think he has a lifetime supply of models to make in our basement. Rich is a real outdoorsy kind of guy and goes crazy in the winter being stuck in the house. He keeps himself occupied by working on his models.
Tim for the last couple of years has wanted to build models with his dad but just wasn't able to do all that was involved. In the past few months the two of them have been busy building models together. While Rich enjoys building cars and trucks. Tim's interest are a bit different. For his birthday last week he got an alien model and a area 51 spaceship model. He bought a couple of Star Wars models too! Now, Tim's work isn't quite as perfect as Rich's but he'll get there with time. I love that the two of them enjoy doing that so much together....plus it gives me time to myself LOL!
Oh, by the way, it was years later (after that turkey dinner) before Rich and I ran into each other again and the rest they say is history!!!
take care,
I had Tim reach in and pull out a winner. Unfortunately he had to pick the one that I spelled wrong in my haste to get the names printed. Darlene, I apologize for the misspelling of your name. That's right. Darlene of Darlene's Days has won the green market bag that I knitted. Also, I should apologize for Tim's filthy hands! BOYS!!!
I really, really, really wish I could have given all you the bag. You make my day when you comment. It's like checking in with an old friend! I felt badly that I couldn't send out 25 bags LOL! I did, however, decide to have a runner up prize for two dishcloths that I have knitted.
The first runner up was Alaura of Cottage Rose
The next was Dana of The Stone Rabbit.
If you ladies would email me with your addresses I will mail your goodies out to you next week sometime.
Thanks for playing!!!
take care,