To thank Tim's teacher for all of her hard work,
kindness and being there for Tim, I knit her this
summer bag. I filled it with a beach towel (after all it is Cape Cod), sun screen, aloe and a gift card to the book store. I tried to make her gift personal so I chose to knit a bag this year instead of buying one. I also had Tim write her a thank you note, as well as one for her mother and father in law who were there every day helping out.
This got me to thinking about when Britt was in school. I never knew that it was something that was done for a teacher and I never did. I still feel badly about it. I wish I could remember all of her teachers and send them a thank you note! I didn't realize that families did that sort of thing until I became a teacher.
Years ago I got my first Nicholas Sparks book (The Notebook) as an end of the year thank you and after I read it I got hooked on Nicholas Sparks. It has sparked (no pun intended) my joy of summer reading.
Last night I just finished reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I read that book years ago. I think I was in my early twenties. I've also seen the movie several times. I discovered there was so much of that book that I did not remember. I think as I have gotten
older more mature parts of the book have brought out different emotions than when I was 20! I am glad I read it again. This summer I have a few more classics on my list that I read as a teen or twenty something. I will be reading The Diary of Ann Frank and To Kill a Mocking Bird again.
take care,