I confess. I've already started playing Christmas carols. I really enjoy Christmas music. I have a Christmas CD in my car, in my classroom, another here in my computer room and one in my kitchen CD player. I even confess that this past summer I put a Christmas CD in while I was cleaning the house :)
This past weekend Tim and I watched National Lampoon's Christmas vacation. I might even put another one in this weekend to watch!
I've got another LONG day at school today. After school we have a staff meeting and then I need to stay for a while to get ready for conferences next week. I have also been invited to a surprise birthday party for a former co-worker after school. I expect that I will be getting home rather late this evening.
I was chatting with some of my co-workers recently. We have all been teaching for a very long time and each of us feels like this year we have been on a treadmill. It is non stop and there is always things to do. I am looking forward to our Thanksgiving break!!!
take care,