Even this weekend was busy. After school Friday I went to Britt's to watch Mackenzie while she worked. I also had Mackenzie on Saturday. I love how independent she is and I can understand most everything she is trying to tell me.
Yesterday was the first day of kindergarten. I came home from school so TIRED I couldn't even move! Bedtime was such a joy! Today was easier. It is so hard trying to help the children just learn school rules. They need to be taught how to walk in the hall, how to use the cafeteria, playground rules, classroom rules, listening and even how to sit in a group. It is not only mentally exhausting, but it's also physically exhausting.
Brittainy was such a good daughter yesterday. She came to my house while I was at school and did my ironing for me! I so appreciate her doing that. I wonder if I can make this a habit? Britt if you are reading this consider it a subtle hint LOL!
This weekend (Saturday) Timmy is having his birthday party. I still haven't really planned what I'll be doing with him. He wants a Star Wars birthday party. I read somewhere online about using pool noodles cut in half as light sabers and trying to keep balloons in the air. I have the supplies for that. I just need to come up with another idea or two. Sunday Jay and Mackenzie are having a combined birthday party so we will be attending that get together.
I think I'll have a day off on the 23rd this month LOL!
take care,