I read that on Saturday we got up to five inches of rain. The weather was cool and not fit to be out in...especially if you didn't want to get stuck in that awful summer traffic we get here on the Cape on a rainy day!
Not only did I get things done. I had Tim clean his room (FINALLY!) to my specifications. It took him all day to get it done.
I filed papers and put away a HUGE collection of stuff that I had been putting off. I also threw away three trash bags of things I decided I didn't need to save after all!
I also was able to fit in three movies. I watched Mama Mia, Lakeview Terrace and some really bad horror movie that I can't even remember the name of.
Tomorrow I hope to get into school (provided the custodians aren't waxing the floors) to work on my room some more. Only one more week left until school starts.
take care,