Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hi there friends.  Yesterday I went to a workshop at school.  The workshop was Digital Audio for Classroom Presentation and Projects.  Through Google APPS I opened a program called Aviary and created this little audio clip.  It gave me the option to add this MP3 player so all you have to do is click on it and hear me.

I love technology.  I am excited by the possibilities this will give me in my classroom and with my school blog and web page.  A couple of weeks ago I went to a digital workshop, Working with Digital Images and Cameras and last week I gave one on the Smart Board.

What do you think?  Do I sound like you thought I would?

take care,


Beverly said...

You sound exactly like I thought you would. ;-)

You clever girl, you. Now, I want an audio clip.♥

Darlene said...

How NEAT!!! I LOVED hearing your voice!!! I want to learn how to do that!!!!!!

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Dawn... AWWWWWWWW I could not get it to work,,, :( I am sad I could not hear you.... I will keep working at it,,, that is pretty cleaver of you.... have a great Friday....


JEANNE said...

Good morning Dawn, it's working and I loved it. I can't say I love technology but I would love to keep learning more about how to use it on my computer. You sound young. Smile. I have heard your voice on the phone but that has been a while.

My daughter is resting and we are having the best visit ever. Yesterday we talked all day. A rare thing and we both are loving this time together.

Have a wonderful day.

Hugs, Jeanne

Judi said...

Hi Dawn
Wonderful! Yes you know thats how I thought you would sound. How exciting to do that.
I put up a video this morning...Marc and I talk a bit...but we just blurted out whatever because we were videowing a cardinal calling back to us and we were excited..*lol*..
come by and visit.
I am sure your summer is going well...enjoy

Tracy said...

YES, you do, Dawn... amazing--you sound just as I imaged! What a pretty voice you have. And how clever to set that up. That workshop sounds great fun... And summer is meant for fun! Happy Days ((HUGS)) Oh, if you get a chance, do stop by--I'm having a gift giveaway to "celebrate" my shop closing. :o)

SmilingSally said...

Ooo, I love your voice--so cultured, so distinct, so gentle.

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