Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday's Favorite Family Fotos~ Happy Birthday to Britt!

Deborah of Pictures Pots and Pens is hosting Friday's Favorite Family Fotos. Hop on over and see who else is participating and take a look at every one's family photos.

Today my baby is 28 years old (just a couple of years younger than did that happen?) It just baffles my mind sometimes thinking how many years have passed since she was born. She's a mom of two herself. One day she will be saying the same thing about her daughter!

I am very proud of Brittainy. She is a wonderful mother, has a great sense of humor and is more like me than I think she would like to admit to LOL!

This picture is my all time favorite picture of her from school. I think she was in second (?) grade at the time. I look at this picture and she still looks just the same to me.

Happy Birthday Britt~! I love you!

take care,


Unknown said...

Hi Dawn,
Britt is beautiful! There's nothing like having a daughter is it?
Tell her happy birthday for me!
By the way, you look just like you did years ago!

Britt said...

yep that was second grade. pre-crows feet and forehead wrinkles. those were the days. and i dont have that gap between my teeth anymore.
don't worry, i will not be aging from here on out, so our difference in years will even out again eventually.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Brittainy. She is a cutie, and so is her mom.

You girls are doing good.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, you look so pretty holding Brittainy, and she is a beauty. I have very few photos holding my newborns. How sad. Love the later picture of Brittainy and her comment on your post. What does she know about wrinkles? Smile. Just ask me!

Love ya, and have a great day. Jeanne

SmilingSally said...

She was beautiful at the beginning, and she is gorgeous in that second grade shot; she must be a real LOOKER now!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Happy Birthday, Brittany! :)

Dawn, You don't look a day over 28 yourself! :) ~Hugs, Rhonda

Kim's Treasures said...

Happy Birthday, Brittany!!! Such a cute picture from school! Hard to believe time goes that quickly and we don't feel any older!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

If you are like me , I think , where in the world did those years go ? You will think the same thing about your grandchildren too . They seem to grow up faster !

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

What a cute daughter you have and I can see that she has personality to match - I just read her comment!

Way to go Britt! Stay as young as you feel!


Cottage Rose said...

Happy Birthday Britt. And what a sweet photo of her, she has a pretty smile, lights up her face. Oh and love the one of you and her as a baby so special. I know how you feel, all my babies are grown up now it is hard to take some times, and to let go. have a great weekend.


Debi said...

Ahh, I know I'm late with my wishes here, but I hope Brittainy had a truly spectacular birthday!