Saturday, August 09, 2008

Pink Saturday # 10

It is PINK SATURDAY again and I spent a few days wondering what I would post about today. As I was sitting in my computer room I looked up and saw the heart that Tim made me when he was in kindergarten. It has been hanging on my door since February of 2005 and is still in wonderful condition. I just love the heart. What mother wouldn't be brought to tears by such a work of art?

Since he went to kindergarten in a room right next to mine I would get an occasional glimpse of him in his classroom. It was very nice having him so close to me.

If any of you are interested here is the recipe for the clay that was used to make this heart.

Cornstarch Clay
(Great for ornaments!)

You need: 2 parts table salt
1 part cornstarch
1 part water

Mix and cook over low heat until stiff.

Add a few drops of cooking oil to delay drying.

Shape figures when cool.

You can also roll out and cut with cookie cutters.

Let dry 2 days or 1 hour in oven.

For more Pink Saturday blogs visit Beverly, our hostess, at How Sweet the Sound


Unknown said...

That is so special! I can see why you've kept it forever!

I always had my kids at work with me....I wish Kelli worked as a school nurse so she could be closer to Connor.

He still won't talk about school! But seems who knows!

Thanks for the recipe....I may have to let him make something like this here.

Anonymous said...

That Timmy is just a true artist. He makes such wonderful things, and this heart was just perfect for his mommy.

I have something my son made me when he was in kindergarten (that was many years ago) hanging on the board in my scrapbook room. It makes me smile, too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Aahh, a precious work of art, it is lovely. Thanks for posting the recipe, your blog is so pretty. I hope you enjoy a great Pink day!

Best, Pennie

Anonymous said...

Dawn, that little gift Tim made you is beautiful. I keep being impressed with little Tim. He is a special little boy.

Thanks for the recipe, I bet my grands would like to do something with that clay. At least it would keep them busy!

Have a happy weekend. Just knowing you don't have to work on Mon. is an upper. smile.

I am still in Raleigh, and I wish someone would wake up and make coffee. I would love to have coffee with you.
Love, jeanne

bj said...

Such a sweet, little heart from your sweet little boy....
I am thrilled to get your recipe as I am always looking for things to make with my granddaughters...
Thanks so much.....

Lochlanina said...

Great Blog. Happy Pink Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Sweet treasure!
And I can see you have a new background; it is so cute!!

Happy pink Saturday!!
besitos from Argentina!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. I have a couple hand made treasures like that around and it really makes me smile when they catch my attention. Have a wonderful Saturday in your neck of the woods!!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

I concur Dawn. It is a masterpiece and truly precious.

Life on the Edge said...

How sweet is this! This is a treasure to hang on to forever! What a lovely reminder that he was thinking of his mommy when he created it, and painted it the pink that you would love!

I never used to be afraid to go to kindergarten as my mother was the other kindergarten teacher across the hall!


My Arts Desire said...

Priceless. As the mother of three teens, I still have little treasures they made or gave me scattered throughout the house. Don't these little mementos just make you smile? They do me!

I bet you're an awesome kindergarten teacher. The kindness of your heart makes you tailor made for such a noble position in life! God bless our teachers!!!


Glennis said...

Dawn, what a sweet simple piece. I love it! How wonderful that children can make art at any age. Lucky you!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Darlene said...

What an adorable heart....he does great work!!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

I love your little clay heart made by Tim! I used to make clay ornaments and I think that is the recipe we used! I also enjoyed reading the story that went along with your favorite foto! What a treasure to have a picture like that! Happy PSat!

Anonymous said...

What a precious keepsake. How sweet!

SmilingSally said...

Amazing that you still have it; those things are fragile.

Suzie Button said...

That is such a treasure! You can just see the love your son put into it! I always thought the best job in the world must be being an elementary school teacher! You're very blessed! Have a fantastic Pink Weekend!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Oh, how cute! Those made objects by our little ones, can still warm our hearts many years later, can't they? Tim did a good job, it is precious! Love the photo below and the story behind!

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Hugs, Rhonda :)

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

This is a great project!

~ Gabriela ~

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

As have a fun post....I will try that recipe with my grand children...what a great christmas project....Love the HEART...
Mo :-)


Awesome choice for Pink Saturday, Dawn. And I love when a sweet little story accompanies the pink item.

I'll be saving your clay recipe for the future...thanks for posting it!

Justine said...

Aw, that's so sweet!!!!!!!

Justine :o )

Tracy said...

aaaaawwwww...that is adorable, Dawn! I vaguely remember making something similar in kindergarden too...I feel so old all of a sudden. But that's for the recipe. My two youn nieces here would love to mess with something like this! Happy weekend ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

So cute....and sweet. Perfect contribution to Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww..what a sweet post today Dawn and I bet it really made you feel so good knowing your little one was right next door. ~ Lynn

Cami said...

Awww, how sweet! Thanks for the recipe.

vintage girl at heart said...

Oh I love little items that the sweet children make us.. even when mine break I still hang on to the little pieces!!! The heart is so precious as I am sure he is!!! Have a wonderful last few days of Summer!!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, a beautiful memory. We all have these little things we treasure.

melissa said...

Oh Dawn, this is so sweet. Such a meaningful, pink saturday treasure!!


Marina Capano said...

Hi Mya,
Happy Pink Saturday !Pretty heart, How sweet! so cute.


Nihal said...

Smiling Hello Dawn:)
Oh my, I'm widely drawn to this Heart. What a nice sweet sugar-pink treasure from Tim: a Heart made in the kindergarten. Need to say that I'm too a HEART girl:) I loved, loved this heart!

On the other hand, I am not surprised because Pink is a symbol of pride and memories:)

My heartfull wishes for a Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours as well.

All of my best,

~N at CrossRoads in Pink Istanbul

Shirl said...

Hello Dawn, Happy Pink Saturday! What a cute post and a sweet story to go with it. How nice it must have been to teach in the same school your children went too! I always wanted to be a teacher. I was a teachers aid at times over the years.
Thank you so much for always stopping by to see my posts and always leaving such a sweet comment. THank you for your kind words on my colonospy!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Cottage said...

What a sweet little heart! Thanks for the recipe, too, wouldn't a white Christmas tree be beautiful covered in little hearts like this one?

Anonymous said...

Darling I love children's artwork! so nice to find a Massachusetts shabby 'pink' neighbor! are you near Chatham? Lovely blog I think I am going to make some!
Denise Nantasket Beach,Mass.

Elizabeth said...

This is such a lovely thing!
Yes, we really do treasure our children's art work.
Mine are grown up and it's still on view in the apartment!
All best wishes

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Oh how sweet is that!! How neat that you got to sort of watch him while he was in school. Mine starts preschool this month and I'm freaking out!

Thanks so much for the recipe. We'll use this for xmas!

artis1111 said...

such a sweet heart. I may have to try this one.Kathy

Vanessa Greenway said...

That's so cute!! Big hugs! Vanessa

Anonymous said...

What a precious keepsake!

Thanks for sharing!


Cottage Rose said...

Wow Dawn; your Timmy is quit the little artistic boy. I loved it when my kids brought home something they made in school, I still have them, and they are 32 and 27 26 I still get a tear when I see them.
Have a great weekend.


Anne Fannie said...

Hello sweet Dawn!
What a great post, a pink homemade heart from one of your boys! How sweet to still have it and what a treasure to keep!
Love ,Ann

Angie said...

hi Dawn!

what a sweet pink treasure! i can never bring myself to part with anything the kids make me either! how wonderful that you keep it displayed where you can see it everyday!


Margie said...

Wow, that is the greatest *pink* treasure of all. I'm sure your little boy put his whole heart into making that beautiful *pink* heart for his mommy!

Katie said...

The perfect pink for sure! Happy Pink Saturday!

Nancy said...

Your little boy's heart touched mine. Thank you, Dawn. Nancy

Mya said...

Ahhhh, How special that heart is. Great recipe too. Thanks for the summer read suggestions. I have heard about the first book. It is a true story right? Happy Pink!

Susan Hickam said...

It is indeed a very special heart. I'm glad it has held up so well. Happy Belated Pink Saturday.

Christie said...

Hey dawn! What a precious little heart your son's hands made.... truly priceless! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!


P.S. Girl, you are a fast reader!!

Kim's Treasures said...

Awww that is a great Pink Saturday post! How sweet!
Hope your weekend has been great!

Anonymous said...

I just felt compelled to come back and be #50. ;-)

Luv ya, Miss Dawn.