My son is a typical 9 year old boy! The things that interest him are so different than the "girly" things I liked as a child. He loves to watch the History Channel. His favorite shows are about dinosaurs and aliens. Bless the poor boy's heart. The other day he came to tell me that he was watching a show about UFO's and learned that they liked to abduct small children about 1 year old. He told me that he was worried for his niece and nephew. Not only is he worried about them, but also their future offspring since now they are only 3 years and 6 months old respectively. He also confided in me that he was worried for his future children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on. I told him he didn't need to worry because aliens certainly wouldn't be interested in our family! If they were smart they would run LOL!
Sunday night at bed time he came out to tell me that he couldn't stop thinking about aliens and asked if he could sleep in our room. I gave in (I'm easy that way). He slept on a little fold out bed on the side of our bed. I don't know if I was supposed to stay away all night and fend off any aliens that would make their way into our room. I guess just the comfort of having us by his side was enough for him.
I tried to explain to him that aliens wouldn't be coming to our home. He is a firm believer in extraterrestrial life and didn't believe me. I suggested he start finding different things to watch on TV.
That is soooo cute--couldn't stop thinking about aliens! Personally, I'm a bit in doubt about the while alien thing, but children do stick to their beliefs longer than we might might be waiting a while on this one yet, Dawn! LOL! Happy Day ((HUGS))
Ut oh, you might be chasing off aliens for awhile. Kids are so funny when they see something and decide it is true (like aliens). Hopefully, he will watch something else and forget all about it.
Maybe you shouldn't tell Timmy, but I believe there is life other than our own, too. But, I don't think they will be bothering us. Who knows, maybe we are boring to them.
Dawn, leave it to Beverly to believe aliens. Smile! Your story is the reason television isn't always the best thing for our children. And sometimes it is. These games they play can be violent too. But, Tim is nine and impressionable. Our nine year old grandson is they same way. On a family camping trip my son-in-law told the grands a ghost story that scared him so much he whined all night. He was sleeping in our RV.
Love, Jeanne
Hi Dawn,
He will probably pass through this phase just like they pass through all the others.
I have to agree that I think too much TV is bad for our kids!
I worry that the video games I bought Connor are too violent! Whatever happened to PacMan? LOL
Have a great day,
If you've read the post I have today, you'll know that I have a similar fear, and what I do to avoid the bad dreams.
I'm glad you didn't tease him (like some do) but you soothed him and let him stay close to you.
Aww, poor guy. I think your son and my eldest son would get along great. I hope you were able to put his uneasiness to rest. Hugs.
Morning, Dawn. Aw, poor little guy! I know both of my children went through periods of being afraid at night and I believe you did the best thing by allowing him to sleep in your room. Aliens! We lived in Roswell, New Mexico for 10 years! That was before all the mess about the UFO was going on. I guess it was the late 70s thru later 80s - we moved away and all heck broke loose! We were just amazed at all the hoop la~
Thanks for coming by. Oh, that little song! Don't you love it. When I was a little girl I had little story records I would play on my little bity record player that folded up like a little suitcase. This was my favorite little song from Hansel and Gretel. It almost brings tears to my eyes today - it's just so sweet.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Dawn, I would have let him sleep beside you too. I can't remember my boys being afraid of anything but then I am old. :)
Hmpf! Just what is Jeanne implying?
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