Last weekend
Brittainy asked me if I would knit a hat for Jack. Of course I was very agreeable to that. I knit him this hat last weekend. Oh, I think he looks as cute as can be in the hat that his grandma made him!!!

A friend at worked had also asked me to make a hat for her. I found a pattern that I thought she would like and brought it to her. I got the okay and knit this had for her this weekend. The model was the only one that I had available for the photo shoot! :)

Every summer I say that I will work on making gifts so that when Christmas rolls around I'll have a nice supply made. Nope, didn't do that this year. I do have one thing made. I guess I'll be busy knitting from now until December 24th LOL!
take care,
Well, your pumpkin model's cute, but he/she sure can't compare to that adorable little grandson of yours! He's absolutely precious!!! And both the hats are gorgeous as well!
Goodmorning Dawn. I just love, love little Jack in his hat! It's so cute and perfect for keeping his ears warm this winter. I'm jealous that you know how to knit. My mom is a fabulous knitter and I've never learned how, maybe I still can though.
That baby is the sweetest thing, and how lucky is he to have a grandma knit him a nice warm hat! I like the pumpkin getting a chance to model too.
Hi Dawn, Thank you so much for the beautiful award below! This is a brand new one for me, and I am so excited! It means so much, that you forwarded it on to me! And congrats on being awarded it yourself! You certainly deserve it! :)
I love the hat you crocheted for Jack. He is such a cutie! The gray one is pretty too! You ought to open and etsy shop! Your creations are really pretty and I love the yarn/materials & colors you always use! Very tasteful!
Thanks again for the award! You are such a dear friend! ~Rhonda :)
Hi Dawn, I'd love to come to your house and sit beside you and learn how to knit . We would have a grand time. Those caps look fabulous.
Morning Dawn,
Jack looks so ADORABLE in his new hat! I still am in awe that you can just whip up these amazing things!!! GREAT hats!
Dawn, you know I could kiss that sweet Jack's face. He is so adorable in his custom made hat.
Dawn, what an accomplishment making a warm hat in practically a heartbeat. Jack is such a handsome little guy and his hat is perfect. He models it so well. The pumpkin was a hoot at modeling the great hat. I am sure your friend loved it. A great job Dawn, as always.
Love, Jeanne
Hi Dawn
How clever you are to make such a wonderful hat. I really like that pattern and you've done such a great job! have a bit of time if you get knitting right away.
I am just the same with ideas of making certain things during the year for Christmas...I think I get Christmas offfff my mind once its passed and don't feel like getting ready tooo early.
Hope you are having a great day.
Jack is just adorable in his hat! How sweet!
Hey Dawn; Your cutie Jack is so sweet in his hat. What a little doll, love the big smile. He loves his grandmas hat made with love.
Oh and the other Jack;;;; Love his hat too. he he. you knit some great stuff. Have a great week.
Wow! You did a great job on the hats. Knitting I don't do, but crocheting I do. Happy Day!
Hi Dawn,
Jack looks adorable in the hat! I wish I could knit. It looks so complicated to me!
Hey Dawn,
Jack is absolutely adorable! I wish it got warm enough down here in the South to wear hats like that. He looks so precious wearing it! Love that smile!
Evening, Dawn! Oh, Jack is the most precious little thing and looks so handsome in his new hat! You're very good at knitting!
Thanks for coming by to see me today.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Looks very cozy! I love hand knitted hats. They are the warmest. My mom used to knit me some when I was young.
You did an awesome job!
wow you are getting to be quite the internet sensation!!
what a dork i am that my mom has a more successful blog!!! haha!!
i love that little hat on jack. and i LOVE that picture!!
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